What is 3D printing in construction | 3D printers Types, Benefits and uses


What is 3D Printing in Construction | 3D Types, Benefits and Uses

3d printed homes

Hello friends, In today's post I will share amazing information about the : "What is 3D printing in construction | 3D printers Types,  Benefits and uses". 

So, Read these today's post of : What is 3D printing in construction | 3D printers Types,  Benefits and uses completely. After reading the today's post, you will completely the most useable concept of 3D Printing in construction industry. 

Without wasting time, let's start with these today's topic... 

3d printing in construction

In construction industry, 3D printing  is a new technology which was going to replaces the manual construction works. With the help of a machine that creates and assembles structures. 

This method proves that, it can be a more cost-effective, convenient and environmentally sound way to construct new buildings.

By Learning the benefits using the 3D printing in construction, it may also help you to decide, the technology would help you streamline workflows and improve client satisfaction.

What is 3D printing in construction?

3d printing in construction

In 3D printing in construction, the companies works on the projects with the help of using layer materials via computer operated processes to create 3D shapes. 

These 3d printers are very useful for creating new structures on-site or manufacturing components off-site for later assembly. 

These printer's works after it receiving the dimensions from a software program as well as it builds the structure on a platform by using the materials such as cement, plastic or liquid metals.

3d printing in construction

Types of 3D printing in construction

Here are three main types of 3D printing in construction listed below:

1. Robotic arm extruders :

These printer's was also known as contour crafting. These method involves an arm or crane-like structure that moves back and forth from which the materials releases and creating layers. 

Large Construction companies install rails around building spaces on which the arm can change position and height as per their requirements

This method was mostly used for smaller 3D printing activities. 

robotic arm extruder 3d printer

2. Sand layers

This method was few different from above method, Because in this method, the 3D printer releases layers of sand to build structures. 

After spreading of sand upto the layers upto  the desired level of thickness, the machine releases droplets that harden as well as bind the sand. 

These method can be used for smaller structures or materials in construction.

sand layer 3d printer

3. Combination with other technology

We can easily  combine 3D printing technology with other technology such as welding. 

The robotic arm or other printing technology can layer materials like raw metals. Welding can then solidify the materials as the machine prints them. 

This method will become more helpful for creation of structures such as bridges that might not have a foundation.

Benefits of 3D printing in construction

With advancement in technology, 3D printing can solve many drawbacks of traditional construction.

benefits of 3d printing in construction industry

At present, many companies have using the 3D printing to create offices, houses and other structures. 

Below  are some advantages of 3D printing in construction:

1. Less waste :

As we know that Construction site generate a lot of waste, instead of that the 3D printers use the exact amount of materials needed to build the structures, due to these reason they  generate almost zero waste. 

They also plans waste-reduction methods to further decrease the waste output, such as prefabrication.

2. Recycling :

Most important environmental benefit of 3D printing is that, we can use recycled materials in our projects. 

One most important thing, that the 3D printers create lattice patterns with materials, so recycled plastic can create a sturdy structure.

Construction sites can also use other reusable materials like recycled concrete.

3. Quick production :

3D printing for construction works requires little supervision. For the Construction projects typically, there are restraints on when they can build, such as during nights or during bad weather. 

Due to all these reasons, the projects gets delay. 

With the help of the method of automation, 3D printers can create houses or other structures within a few days.

4. Cost-effectiveness :

3D printers are cost-effective due to many reasons which includes mainly the saving money on labor as well as the time for construction projects.

With help of 3D printing, Exactly required materials can be purchase, which is more cost-effective.

5. Innovative solutions :

Whereas traditional construction methods involve reusing plans and templates, 3D printing can create custom solutions. 

Architects can design innovative buildings using new architecture software and with the help of 3D printer, we can create them. 

6. Less human impact :

Besides less waste being created by humans on construction sites, But due to the 3D printers,  it makes the construction sites an  nearly error-free. 

After adoption of 3D printing technology, it can easily produce high-quality structures for clients and reduce the number of accidents on construction sites. 

benefits of 3d printing in construction

3D printing construction uses

There are several construction situations in which can use 3D printing. Here are a few examples:

Completing a full job

With the help of using the 3D printers engineers can  create entire buildings, including houses as well as the office spaces as per the requirements. 

This Method becomes more cost-effective, better for the environment as well as quicker than traditional construction. 

Creating prototypes

Prototypes means the preliminary models of structures that give people an example of what something after the completion of structures. 

Creating architectural models

With traditional construction, people typically design structures through software and then build models manually. 3D printing can quickly build models once you've created the structure in your computer program and the printer has your materials, allowing you to create more architectural models.

Creating parts

Construction companies may use 3D printing to create the materials they need if the project is too complex to print. You can use 3D printing to print the exact measurements you want for your materials, which is cost-effective and can have environmental benefits because this process typically produces less waste. 

This may ensure that the construction labor is still in demand and can allow you to create the components you need from raw materials.

History of 3D Printing in Construction sector :

The history of 3D printing’s roots date back to the mid-1980s when stereolithography, or SLA, was conceived. 

  • In 2004, a USC professor attempted to 3D print a wall in what’s widely accepted as the technology’s first entry into construction.

  • In 2014 in Amsterdam, a full canal house construction was completed with the help of 3d printing.

  • In 2016 in in China,  a 3D-printed mansion was completed .

They were working  as a high-powered laser and turns a liquid resin into a solid material. 

SLA is an additive technology, which involves to creae a product from the ground up in a layer-by-layer fashion.

Today, SLA is still one of the most popular 3D printing technologies, though 3D printing is generally considered any technology that creates parts in an additive way. 

These method was utilized for quickly and accurately creating prototype parts. 

3D printing was even used by architectural firms to build scale models. It wasn’t long before it was administered for more ambitious construction purposes.

The Adoption of 3D printing technology has been used in several ambitious initiatives and projects in construction, including:

As a general report Today, the 3D printing construction market is quickly growing, expected to reach $1.5 billion by 2024.

The Growth of 3D Printing in Construction

With the entry of the 3D printing’s Technology in the construction industry it is ongoing, certain building aspects are poised for more growth than others.

3D Printing Concrete

Upto the year 2025, The  3D printing concrete market is projected to be valued at $56.4 million, growth that’s largely spurred by the amount of new, innovative projects that are being planned in construction.

3D printed bridges

Applications of 3D printing can also be highly beneficial for the construction of bridges. Thanks to the ability to create some complex structures but also build solid as well as it is durable constrictions. 

3d printed bridges

Recently China, constructed the longest 3D printed bridge in the world.

Also in Netherlands, The 3D printed bridges were constructed. 

This bridge came to life with 3D technologies and was designed by MX3D. The company developed a unique robotic arm capable of 3D printing with steel. 

This impressive construction has an abstract and bio-inspired design, and the bridge builds itself thanks to the 3D software the engineers elaborated.

3d printed bridges

You can also read  other blogs related with the 3d Printing in cinstruction Industry :

For know more about the : What is 3D printing in construction | 3D printers Types,  Benefits and uses, you can take help of below video :

Video 1 :- All about the 3d printing technology. 

Video 2 :-  3d printing homes printed in 48 hours. 

Video 3 :-  3d printing homes be the future of the construction industry. 

Video 4 :-  3d printed bridge.

Video 4 :-  First 3d printed steel bridge.

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