What is the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) and it's uses in 2023


What is the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) and it's uses in 2023

Hello friends, Welcome to our blog post. In today's post I will share amazing information about the: What is the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) and it's uses in 2023.

So, Read these : What is the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) and it's uses in 2023, post completely.  After reading these today's post, you will get clear about the concept about the What is actually BIM execution Plan with it's uses in project works.

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BIM execution Plan

While talking about the, BIM Execution Plan It's nothing but a series of methods as well as the  guidelines aimed at achieving the objectives and BIM requirements defined by the client. 

With the help of the BIM methodology It will helps to develop a project within the AEC (Architecture, Engineering & Construction) sector with an most efficient and effective way.

What you need to know is that for the successful application of the BIM methodology, the drafting of a good BEP is essential as well as become  preparatory. Let me explain why.

What is a BIM Execution Plan?

The BEP is a fundamental and very important document for the success of the BIM project.

BIM execution Plan

These BEP also helps to represents one of the reference functional tools for the correct management of a BIM order as well as for the synchronization of the workflow, from project planning to construction management.

The scope is to:

  • The BIM execution plan helsp to provide guidelines on the management of the definition level (LOD) and on the management of information in BIM;

  • It also helps the work team identify their roles.

These plans firstly helps to analyzes the client’s requests, Second thing that the contractual contents present in the Information Specifications, describes through which decision-making phases, means, methods as well as the IT solutions, the work team will lead and direct the BIM project. 

Also the BEP clearly indicates the roles as well as thejob responsibilities of the various professionals involved in the team.
By the careful drafting of the BIM execution plan,  these  will guarantee on the one hand the satisfaction of the contractual contents as well as all the needs of the various stakeholders and on the other a better communication But also the collaboration within the working group, with consequent timeliness in deliveries.

What are the types of BIM Execution Plan?

There are two types of BIM Execution Plan, whose substantial difference is closely linked to the moment in which they are drawn up.

Pre-contract BEP – 

In these type of BEP,  it is required during the tender phase and serves potential suppliers to demonstrate their ability to meet the client’s requests. 

In this type,  all the information are generally added details on the modelling of the information and on the design steps.

Post-contract BEP – 

In second type of BEP, it is drawn up at the time the tender was awarded. The BEP become an official document with contractual value.

Along with all these,  these type of BEP require a greater effort: to the contents already present in the pre-contract BEP.

Here it is mandatory  to add some management information, project planning and analysis of the methods as well as description of the technological information solutions. 

BIM execution plan

You can also try another way which will help to manage better design activities as well as all your data of the BIM process through a BIM collaboration platform.

These platform helps and offers high security standards, but also allows you to work properly according to the BIM methodology.

Who prepares a BIM Execution Plan?

These BIM execution plan pre-contact award is drawn up by each potential supplier to describe the skills of their  team work. 

Also to provide details on the BIM project’s digitalisation infrastructure capabilities, also propose their IT Solutions.

As well as at the same time also provide a project implementation schedule but also the  proposals of technical-economic respectively. 

The post-contract BIM execution plan is instead drawn up by the contractor as well as  the design professionals, once the tender award phase has been completed.

After the contract has been awarded Successfully, all the team members in the process will have to define the BIM Execution Plan  more accurately as well as with the comprehensively.

The BEP also including more operational details regarding the development , but also the management of the BIM project.

What are the contents of the BIM Execution Plan?

The drafting of a BIM execution plan  follows a particular template, adapting it to the context of the specific order.

The writing a good BEP might be few difficult, for this reason, here I'm going to share an example of content that you should develop within a BEP:

  • contractual contents present in the EIR (Employers Information Requirement);
  • contractual contents described in the pre-contract BIM execution plan
  • contents aimed at confirming compliance with the specifications;
  • previous skills as well as the  experience;
  • technical as well as all the performance characteristics of the infrastructure;
  • information modelling;
  • definition of LOD;

  • details of the management and management of the BIM project;

  • roles and matrix of responsibilities 
  • Short description of IT Solutions;
  • objectives as well as the uses of information models;
  • definition of the information documents;
  • compliance with standards;
  • List of various  software used in BIM 
  • storage methods and delivery strategies.
  •  data sharing methodology.

Thus,  it is an small example of how was the structure of an BEP, here the contents will get vary according to the specific order.

How to draft a BEP ?

The Drafting of any BEP is closely linked to the specific project order.

Below I'm sharing a propose short summary which become very helpful to serve as a guide for the planning as well as the execution of a BIM Project.

The drafting of a BEP should follow the following given below steps:

  • identification of the objectives as well as it's  uses In BIM within the specific project: identify as well as it helps to analyse the objectives achievable through the application of the BIM methodology.
  •  But also it is very helpful to describe what potential of BIM will be exploited to achieve these objectives.
  •  After the fields of application of the BIM have been properly defined, for the work component, After that the team responsible must be identified, indicating the level of competence, experience as well as the capacity;

  • identification of BIM derivatives;
  • As well as the various phases of the BIM process, information modeling, identification of roles, but also it includes their responsibilities;
  • Also to correctly identify the infrastructure needed to develop a good BIM execution plan;
  • methods to be used for the data sharing.

How to make a good BIM Execution Plan ?

As above stated that, the BIM execution plan is process basis on the specific order as well as the specific requests of the client.

A BEP becomes a good contractual document, if it matches with all the requirements of the specifications.

After  providing an accurate analysis as well as the description of the fields of application of BIM within the specific BIM Project, identifying roles, responsibilities, times, costs as well as all the delivery methods.

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