What are the BIM Maturity Levels in BIM in 2023 ?


What are the BIM Maturity Levels in BIM in 2023 ?

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So, Read these : What are the BIM Maturity Levels in BIM in 2023 , post completely.  After reading these today's post, you will get clear about the What will be the upcoming Innvoatives trends in BIM. 

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BIM maturity level

In the AEC industry, the BIM is not a new concept. 

The government of UK in May 2011  released a futuristic construction strategy for a reduction in cost of public sector assets. 

BIM maturity level

As per these strategy, it was mandated for the construction vendors applying for government tenders to achieve BIM Level two to be considered. 

Along with the above strategy, these also pushed for the phased roll-out of BIM Level 3 on all centrally-procured projects by 2016.

BIM maturity level

The use of the BIM technology in high-rise residential projects become mandate for all builders & designers as per the UK authorities 

BIM is a collaborative system that helps industry professionals in designing, delivering as well as for maintaining all the assets throughout the entire lifecycle. 

These system was very helpful to outline the characteristics of a building facility.

The BIM facilitates knowledge sharing among stakeholders from the stage of conception to demolition.

BIM maturity level

The UK Government realized early on that BIM levels promote collaborative working in the AEC industry. 

The progressive as well as the recognizable milestones are defined by the different levels based on the level of collaboration promised by these milestones. 

The levels ranging from 0 to 3, but also beyond it is defined below :

Levels of BIM Explained- Level 0, Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3


1. Level 0 BIM :

The meaning of Level 0 was that the project promotes zero collaboration as well as it makes use of paper-based 2D CAD drafting techniques. 

BIM maturity Level

The main objective of Level 0 is to generate Production Information in the form of paper or electronic prints. 

This level nowdays rarely used by industry professionals.

2. Level 1 BIM :

Level 1 involves using both 3D CAD as well as the 2D drafting. 

BIM maturity level

Here the 3D CAD is used for conceptual works, As well as the 2D CAD is used for the generation of statutory approval documentation but also for the Production Information. 

Along with that these level Includes the data sharing which done by the electronically means these uses a common data environment (CDE) managed by the contractor. 

BIM maturity level 1

The CAD standards are governed under British Standards (BS 1192:2007)

In these level, there is zero or low collaboration between the different stakeholders as everyone creates as well as manages their own data.

Guidelines to Achieve Level 1 BIM

For achieving of Level 1 BIM, we must have to take care of the following mentioned below :

1. Roles as well as all the  responsibilities of all stakeholders should be outline properly. 
2. Standardized naming convention should be adopted as well as followed.
3. Creation as well as the maintenance of project-specific codes and spatial coordination (IFC).
4. Adoption of CDE of Electronic Document Management System for information sharing between all the team professional members. 
5. Setting up an appropriate information hierarchy that supports CDE but also all the necessary document repository.

3. Level 2 BIM :

 For public sector projects, the government of UK  prescibed the Level 2 BIM.

This level promotes an collaborative working by giving each of the stakeholders its own 3D CAD model in the Building Information and modelling (BIM) . 

Level 2 BIM

Collaborative working is the distinguishing aspect of this level.

Along with that, Level 2 requires streamlined information exchange related to a project as well as the seamless coordination between all the systems but also with that for the stakeholders.

Level 2 BIM

All the parties work on their local 3D CAD models, but here also the information is exchanged through a common file format. 

For the creation of  federated BIM Model such a system allows to combine their external data with their own model.

Guidelines to Achieve Level 2 BIM

For achieving these level, it is essential for an organization to. Here are the following steps to achieve Level 2 BIM :

1. We have to follow all the guidelines which has been mentioned in Level 1.
2. Also we need to Install CAD software which can easily supports common file formats such as IFC or COBie.

04 Level 3 BIM :

Level 3 BIM, can also be termed as ‘Open BIM’. 

Level 3 BIM

Here the scope of Level 3 hasn’t been completely defined though it promises deeper collaboration between all stakeholders through a shared model stored which was storing in  a central repository. 

Level 3 BIM

Along with all these level 3 : concept enables all the participants to work on the same model simultaneously, which was very helpful to eliminating the chance of conflicting information.

Level 3 helps to proposes the use of an integrated solution built around open standards like IFC.

Here with the help of a single server, all the project data have been saved.

 Along with all the above mentioned Levels, this level is slowly picking up pace, many firms in the UK are still thinking of transitioning from Level 2 to Level 3.

Guidelines to Achieve Level 3 BIM

For the Proper implementation as well as for the adoption of Level 3 require the following mentioned below :

1.For the reason of Development of a fresh ‘Open Data’ standard that facilitates the sharing of project data around the globe with the team members. 
2.For also the good reation of new contractual frameworks for BIM-based projects for promoting collaboration but also for the  ensuring consistency.

BIM Levels & Existing Industry Ecosystem

In the preliminary stages, there is a strong push by the government, the industry is slow to adapt Level 3 BIM . 

The BIM level 3 strategy defines four phases for successful adoption of Level 3 BIM which includes the following mentioned here:
• Level 3A: Improving the existing Level 2 model
• Level 3B: These Level helps to Allowing new technologies as well as all the systems
• Level 3C: Enabling development of fresh business models
• Level 3D: Capitalizing the global authority in BIM sphere.

The Digital Built Britain strategy is setting the solid ground for the adoption of & beyond in line with the government’s construction strategies.
Such as the Business as well as all the Professional Services Strategy 22, the Smart Cities Strategy 23, the Information Economy Strategy 24 but also the  Industrial Strategy – Construction 2025.
Similar to the recent mandates in favor of BIM by the UK government, fresh measures will pave the perfect adoption path towards greater levels. 
Also, the private sector is looking to propagate the collaborative work theory which will was becoming to helpful for the public AEC industry too.
 The transition will be similar to the transition from paper-based models to CAD during the period of 90s.

You can also read our other blogs related with the BIM :

For easy understanding about the BIM Execution plan in BIM  , you can take help of below video :

Video 1 :-  What are BIM maturity levels ? Level 0, 1, 2 & 3.

Video 2 :-  What is BIM ? BIM maturity Levels. 

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